
Assessment 2024-2025 (for students in Grades 3-8)

CAASPP testing will take place in the Spring of 2025.  It is anticipated that two days of testing will be sufficient for most students to complete the SBAC  (ELA and Math) portions of the test. 5th and 8th graders will require a third day to complete the CAST (California Science Test).

Testing dates:

  • Residents of Modesto,  Oakdale and Waterford:  April 8th – 10th, 2025
  • Residents of all other cities:  April 15th – 17th, 2025

(The Sonora and Alameda Resource centers have their own schedules at their sites.)

​Sessions on our Hickman Campus will start promptly at 9am each day and conclude at 12:00. On Thursday of each week the 5th and 8th Grade students will take the CAST test and any other students will be welcome to finish up the ELA and/or Math sections as needed. See your ParentSquare feed for more information.

The Physical Fitness test for Grades 5 and 7 will be offered at the conclusion of the morning session on both Tuesday and Wednesday of the student’s testing week. Only one day is needed so students may opt for one or the other.

Academic Assessment

For the same reasons we watch and monitor a child’s physical growth and development we also assess their academic progress. As a teacher you want to know the child’s academic status and progress. You want them to grow as students. You want to know what a student should comprehend or demonstrate at a particular stage… and what corrective actions to take if academic growth is not on track. You want them to be able to reach for any star they choose.

Student achievement and progress are best assessed through measurable learning outcomes using multiple methods and instruments. Assessment involves many puzzle pieces or snap-shots fitted together in order to view the whole-child picture of student achievement and progress. No single method or instrument is all sufficient.

See the Hickman Charter School Assessment Tools Matrix at the bottom of this page for an overview of the tools that can be used to paint that whole-child picture.

Standardized assessment & HCS

 All of us want to know that students in our local public school are progressing academically … that public education dollars are resulting in educated students. As a publicly funded charter school we need to demonstrate that parent-directed, parent-taught education is a reliable means of teaching students. We know we meet or exceed the standards and achievement of traditional public schools, and together we can prove it. Your participation in this state mandated assessment program is a vital part of our ability to show that we are a viable choice for publicly funded education.

 Most assessment is immediate, recurring and focused on the individual student (see the Assessment Matrix below). Some assessment provides both individual student information and whole school program information. The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) (Smarter Balanced Assessment) program is such an assessment.

MAP Testing
Measures of Academic Progress® (MAP®) is an assessment of Reading, Language Usage, and Mathematics that Hickman Charter School offers 3 times per year.  MAP® creates a personalized assessment experience by adapting to each student’s learning level—precisely measuring student progress and growth for each individual. MAP® provides essential information about what each student knows and is ready to learn within 24 hours.  Contact your EC for more information about MAP®.

 We currently offer the Renaissance Learning assessment: STAR Reading. This assessment can be used with students in grades K (students with independent reading skills) through 12. The assessment takes approximately 15-20 minutes. We recommend that you schedule assessments for the beginning (September), middle (December/ January), and end (April/May) of the school year. Contact your Education Coordinator or David Arias ( to schedule an appointment.

Other Instructional Assessment Tools
Hickman Charter School continually searches for valid and appropriate instructional and assessment technology. New tools may become available during the school year. Check with your Education Coordinator for current information about Hickman Charter School offerings.

Assessment Tools Matrix

Hickman Charter School’s goal is to make assessment a natural part of the teaching-learning process. A variety of assessment instruments and data sources should be used to gain accurate information on both a particular student and overall school performance. These methods should be based on a “matrix of assessment” (set of assessment tools), which has as its foundation the assessment of the learner at the site of instruction (“home”) by the teacher-parent. The objective is to gain a whole-child assessment picture.

Please contact your Education Coordinator to discuss any assessment tools for which you would like additional information. Assessment methods may include the following:

Foundational Assessments Methods

Parent Teacher

  • Parent-teacher observation
  • Daily instructional products
  • Student-teacher dialogue
  • Portfolios: a collection  of self  evaluated work
  • Unit tests
  • Quizzes
  • Performances, projects and demonstrations
  • Rubrics: a set of rules or  standards by which to  evaluate  student work
  • Standardized tests

Supplemental Assessment Methods

Education Coordinator

  • Learning Period Conferences
  • Education Coordinator’s observations
  • Evaluating student work  samples
  • Learning Records
  • Observational survey
  • Reading running records​
  • FAR (FeiFer assessment of reading)
  • Standardized tests
  • Writing Portfolios

Other Performance Based

Assessment Methods

  • Accelerated Reader
  • MAP Testing
  • Eighth grade graduation  requirements
  • Literary Conference
  • Living History Day
  • Math Olympiad
  • Music Concerts
  • Science Fair/Outdoor Ed/ Science Olympiad
  • STAR test (computer  assessment) in reading