COVID-19 Information
Responsible Operating Plan
Our goal is to provide a setting and an experience that is fitting for all learners to grow and achieve their personal best. Hickman Community Charter District is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for our students.
We are following and using all state-level guidelines and CDC guidance to inform our practices in order to keep our campus to open to students. Through open communication between home and school, possibilities for our students are endless. We welcome parents to take part in the many opportunities to volunteer in the classroom and school-wide events. The key ingredients for success include open communication, parent involvement, and dedication of staff and willingness of students to grow.
There are defined ways that we can maintain a healthy community – good hygiene habits, distancing from each other, wearing face coverings, and reducing the amount of cross contact between both students and adults. Our detailed plans and protocols for a responsible reopening are outlined below.