Student Recognition Programs

In grades 6-8, students have the opportunity to earn the honor based on their trimester’s Grade Point Average (GPA).  Honor Roll—3.0-3.59 and no N’s or U’s in Citizenship: Principal’s Honor Roll—3.6-4.0 and no N’s or U’s in Citizenship.  6th through 8th graders who make the honor roll during the first and second trimesters are eligible for an honor roll field trip at the end of those trimesters.  Eighth graders are honored at graduation for having a cumulative GPA of 3.0-3.59 and 3.6-4.0 during their years at HMS. Hickman Honors Criteria:

  • Honor Roll or Principal’s List OR 0.5 GPA increase (at the teachers’ discretion)
  • No more than 2 behavior detentions for a trimester; Satisfactory ratings in citizenship and work habits
  • No “In School” Suspensions
  • No Suspensions

At Hickman Middle School, students are eligible for one of two kinds of attendance awards:

  • Perfect “In-Seat” Attendance occurs when a student physically attends and stays at school each day.
  • Perfect “Independent Study” Attendance occurs when a student who is absent from school completes all independent study assignments.  Independent Study does not automatically occur when your child is absent; parents must call the school and REQUEST Independent Study.

HMS students will focus on the character traits determined by the Life of a Warrior leadership team and the Hickman Standards of Culture.