GATE Program
At Hickman, we implement a GATE program as unique as our district. Our program not only provides students with individualized learning projects, it provides them the opportunity to take charge of their own learning.
How to qualify for a place on the Hickman GATE Program:
To automatically qualify for the GATE program, a child must either:
Score at the Standard Exceeded Level in math and language arts on the California Assessment of Students Performance and Progress (CAASPP) tests for two consecutive years.
Score at the 95th percentile in math and reading on the fall Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) tests for two consecutive years.
This method does not include third graders.
A student who scores Standard Exceeded in math or language arts for two consecutive years or scores at the 95th percentile in math or reading, on the fall MAP tests for two consecutive years, may be eligible to take the OLSAT for consideration into the GATE program.
For third grade students without two years of test data, teachers/ ECs may recommend OLSAT testing based on Fall MAP scores.
With the appropriate OLSAT score, the 9th Stanine, they will qualify for GATE.
*OLSAT testing window is September-October
A student who does not qualify with CAASPP/MAP scores but is thought to be gifted may be recommended for OLSAT testing by a parent/teacher/Education Coordinator. The students must score in the 9th stanine on the OLSAT test to be considered for the GATE program.
*OLSAT testing window September-October
A Parent/Guardian of a student who does not qualify with CAASPP/MAP/OLSAT scores may request a meeting with the GATE coordinator, classroom teacher, administrator and any relevant individuals to discuss the student’s talents and/or giftedness.

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