School transport
Bus Conduct/Rules
Section 14263 State Boare of Education regulations giverning pupil transportation states: Pupils transported in a school bus or in a school pupil activity bus shall be under the authority of, and responisble to, the driver of the bus, and the driver of the bus shall be held responisble for the orderly conduct of the pupils while they are on the bus or being escorted accross a street, highway, or road. Continued disorderly conduct or persistent refusal to submit to the authority of the driver shall be sufficent for a pupil to be denied transportation. A bus driver shall not require any pupil to leave the bus in-route between home and school or another destination.
Bus Rules and Regulations
- Leave home in time ot allow yourself plenty of time to arrive at the bus stop before the bus arrives.
- Remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop.
- Once seated on the bus, do not change seats without permission from the bus driver.
- Sit upright and remain seated when the bus is in motion.
- Windows are allowed only halfway down; head, arms, legs (body parts) are not to bein the window opening.
- Aisle and back window areas are to be kept clear. (13CCR12163)
- The bus is tobe kept clean and treated respectfully; food (including gum, candy, snacks, or seeds) and drinks are not to be eaten on the bus by any passengers. This includes both students and parents on field trips.
- Do not tamper with or remove any equipment from the bus.
- Refrain from talking loudly and making loud noises.
- Headphones or devices that deminish the ability to hear the bus driver are not permitted.
- Fighting on the bus will result in an automatic denial of bus priviledge for three (3) days and could result in a school suspension.
- Follow the directions of the bus driver promptly and willingly without making negative or uncessesary comments.
If the student breaks the rules, the dirver may give him/her a citation, whihc must be signed by the principal and parent/guardian. A child may lose his/her bus riding priviledge for repeatedly breaking the rules.
Bicycle Safety
California law requires that all bicycle rides under the age of 18 must wear a helmet when riding on any public street or roadway. We believe it is important and necessary for all our students to complly with this law if they wish to ride their bicycles to our school. For the safety of your child we ask that every child wear a helmet when riding bicycles to and from school. Students are to lock their bikesĀ to the bike racks and are not to ride in the parking lot when entering and exiting the school.
Students riding skateboards to and from school must wear a helmet and upon arriving at the school, carry their skateboard to the school office where it is to remain until it is time to leave for home. Then the skateboard is to be carried to the parking lot where it may be ridden home.
Parking Lot Safety
The parking lot is an extremely busy place each day before and after school. With everyone’s help and vigilance, we assure the safety of all our students. Please be aware of your speed. The maximum speed limit on area of campus 5 MPH. Please be courteous and kind to our parking lot personnel and crossing guard. Follow the directions of the staffnas we help implement our new parking/pick-up procedures. The school also offers parkig in the Hickman Community Church parking lot.
Student Leaving During the School Day
Hickman Community Charter District is a closed campus. For the protection of your child, your cooperation with the following procedures will be followed.
- Children leaving school during the day for any reason should bring a signed note from the parent/guardian permitting us to excuse your child.
- Any adult picking up a child must come to the office and sign the child out. Do not go directly to the classroom.
- For your child’s protection, it is our policy not to release pupils to anyone other than the parent/guardian’s specific written authorization.
Foggy Day Schedule/Bus Service
When we experience fog during the winter months, the morning bus run may be delayed until the fog has lifted. Please check with the following radio stations for reports on how long buses will be delayed:
KAT Country – FM, 103.3
The Hawk – FM, 104.5
KHOP – FM, 95.1
School to Home Transportation
It is expected that all students return home from school by the same means as they arrived at school. To ensure your childs safety, the school would appreciate a signed note by the parent if your child is to return home by different means. Students who are going to another students home after school must provide a written note signed by their parents. This note needs to be signed by the front office and given to the bus driver when getting on the bus. These signatures are to be obtained before school, during recess or lunch break. This is done so the school personnel have knowledge of the student not going home to thie rown residence. Students at school are not allowed to use the school phone to make arrangements to go to another students home after school. However, there are occasions when parents call because they forgot to wrote a note that morning for their child. The office will draft a note and sign it, “Per phone conversation with parent” and that note will be given to the bus driver. In this instance, the school secretary must be given at least one half hour to accomplish this procedure.
Consequences for repeated offensives are:
1st Citation: Detention
2nd Citation: 2 day’s loss of riding priviledges
3rd Citation: 1 week loss of riding priviledges
4th Citation: Appear at meeting with school district administration which may result in permanent loss of riding priviledges.