Studies show that healthy eating and daily physical activity have a profound impact on the body and mind by improving the ability to learn and comprehend, boosting energy, improving school attendance and changing attitudes, behavior and more.
Cafeteria Expectations
- Enter cafeteria by classrooms.
- Students are expected to say “please” and “thank you”;
- Line up on the black line to pick up food
- Proceed to the condiment table;
- Find a place to sit, begin eating lunch;
- If you would like to use the restroom or need to leave the cafeteria, raise your hand and ask permission;
- Wait to be dismissed by cafeteria supervisors;
- Throw away garbage.
- WALK to the line-up spot.
- A whistle means to STOP and LISTEN.
Cafeteria Student Conduct
- Talk quietly to your neighbors;
- Do not yell across the cafeteria;
- Vulgar/obscene language is not allowed at any time;
- Verbal Harassment will not be tolerated;
- Walk, DO NOT RUN.
- Sharing food with others is not allowed;
- Playing with food, creating “slop” is not allowed;
- Keep your hands and feet to yourself;
- Raise your hand to ask permission to use the restroom;
- Do not get up without permission;
- Pick up your garbage after you eat and dispose of properly;
- Throwing Food is absolutely forbidden;
- Intentional mess making will not be tolerated;
- Do not stand on the benches or tables;
- Do not hook feet under benches and lean backwards;
- No gum-ever
- We do not allow beverages containing caffeine, including energy drinks.
Cafeteria Consequences
Consequences for non- compliance to the rules:
Step #1
Student will receive a verbal warning. Student may be asked to stay behind from recess to help clean up his/her mess if a mess was made by the student.
Step #2
Student will be directed to sit the remainder of the recess.
Step #3
a. Administrator conference/parent contact
b. Detentions may be issued for more extreme student behaviors or to students who continue to repeatedly misbehave.
Step #4
If steps 1-3 happen repeatedly, student will eat lunch in the office for a set amount of time/days. Parent WILL be called to come and sit with his/her child during lunch if necessary.
Breakfast and lunches are served daily.
Student Breakfast K-8:
Student Lunch K-5:
Student Lunch 6-8:
Breakfast $5.00 Lunch $5.00
The cost to purchase milk is $.60
All students will be given an application for free and reduced price meals. This application MUST be returned to the school office within ten (10) days of being provided. The office will notify eligible students, as soon as possible after a complete application is returned.