Health & Immunization
California Immunization Registry – Region IV
We are authorized members of California Immunization Registry – Region IV. The Immunization Registry permits the sharing of a computer record of you or your child’s immunizations and Tuberculosis (TB) screening tests no matter where they are given. At any time you and your doctor can see what immunizations/TB tests you or your child has received and which immunizations are needed now. It will help you and your doctor protect you or your child from serious illness like polio, whooping cough, measles and meningitis. Schools have access to help you prove you or your child has had the vaccines required for entry. For more information click here.
Registro de Vacunación de California – Región IV
Somos miembros autorizados del Registro de Vacunación de California – Región IV. El Registro de Vacunación permite que se compartan datos electrónicos de vacunación y de pruebas de detección de tuberculosis de usted y de su hijo independientemente de donde se hayan administrado. Usted y su doctor pueden ver en cualquier momento qué vacunas les dieron y qué pruebas de tuberculosis les hicieron a usted o a su hijo y qué vacunas se tienen que dar ahora. Ayudará a usted y a su doctor a protegerlos a usted y a su hijo contra enfermedades serias como la poliomielitis, tos ferina, sarampión y meningitis. Para más información haga clic aquí.
Exemption from Immunizations
Exemptions to immunization should not be taken because of convenience. Unimmunized students are at greater risk of contracting diseases and spreading them to their families, schools and communities. Schools should maintain an up-to-date list of students with exemptions, so that these students can be excluded from school quickly if an outbreak occurs. For more information about exemptions or to download required form, click here.
Starting in 2014, a new California law will modify the process for obtaining exemptions to student immunizations based on personal beliefs. Assembly Bill (AB) 2109 requires documentation that health care practitioners have informed parents about vaccines and diseases. This law expires on January 1, 2016 with enactment of SB277 mentioned below.
On June 30, 2015 Governor Brown signed SB 277 making personal and religious belief exemptions not allowed in California, effective July 1, 2016. However, if a parent files a letter or affidavit stating beliefs opposed to immunization prior to Jan. 1, 2016 that exemption will apply until the next grade span. For more information, see the SB277 FAQ page.
Hickman Community Charter District Wellness Policy
Healthy Treats for Class Celebrations
Excerpts from our District Wellness Policy
Snacks served during the school day or in after-school programs should make a positive contribution to children’s diets and health, with an emphasis on serving fruits and vegetables, whole grains, as the primary snacks and milk, water or 100% juice as the primary beverages.
School staff will encourage parents/guardians or other volunteers to support the District’s nutrition education program by choosing nutritional quality when selecting any snacks which they may donate for occasional class parties.
Schools will limit celebrations that involve food during the school day to no more than one party per class per month. Class parties or celebrations shall be held after the lunch period and only foods that meet or exceed state and federal nutritional standards can be served.
Ideas for non-food celebrations
Not every party has to involve food! Con¬sider talk¬ing to your child’s teacher about other ways to cel¬e¬brate stu¬dent birth¬days, such as…
- Bring in his/her favorite game or book or a spe¬cial art project to share with the class
- Put together a “goody bag” of non-edible treats such as glow sticks, balloons, stickers, tattoos, etc.
- Make him or her line leader or star student or get¬ting some sort of special privilege for the day. Be creative!
- Fresh fruit ~ cut up or whole
- Fruit kabobs
- Yogurt tubes/cups served with fresh fruit
- Fruit roll-ups
- Healthy granola bars
- Graham crackers
- Apple slices with topping
- Animal crackers
- Apple sauce
- Popcorn
- Baked Chips
- Gold Fish Crackers
- Whole Grain Muffins
- Whole Grain Cookies
- Cereals that contains whole grains and are low in sugar
All baked snacks must be packaged and purchased from a store or bakery.
Not Approved
- Donuts
- Pastries
- Non-Baked Chips
- Cupcakes & Frosting
- Candy
- Ice Cream
- Soda
- Punch
FitFuture Healthy Snack Ideas
Nutrition experts find themselves split on the issue of commercially prepared “100 Calorie Snacks”. While some argue that having pre-portioned snacks is convenient, and helps adults and children enjoy a treat while controlling portion size; the other side of the issue points to the low nutrient value of these snacks and the wastefulness of the packaging. ANother complaint is that despite the conveniently pre-portioned packages, many people report eating multiple servings anyways.
While it is certainly fine to enjoy treats in moderation, we must remember what it means to eat an overall healthy diet.
Good nutrition is not just about the number or calories, but the quality of those calories. In other words, to eat well you must consider food choice (quality) as well as portion control (quantity) the great majority of the time.
Here are 20 ideas for healthy do-it-yourself 100 calorie snacks that require no compromise:
- 1 large celery stalk with 2 Tbsp. nut butter
- 1 cup raw veggies with ¼ cup fat free ranch dressing
- 28 grapes
- ½ cup unsweetened applesauce with a slice of toast cut into sticks for dipping
- 10 cashews
- 1 mozzarella string cheese with 2 wheat crackers
- 6-8 oz. cup of low-fat yogurt
- 2 Tbsp. hummus and 12 grape tomatoes
- ½ cup plain oatmeal with ¼ cup fresh berries
- 1 medium banana
- ½ cup 1% cottage cheese with 5 strawberries
- 1 cup mango chunks
- 8 corn tortilla chips with ¼ cup salsa
- ½ apple with 2 tsp. nut butter
- 12 almonds
- 1 cup blueberries
- 6 wheat crackers with 2 tsp. almond butter
- 1 medium apple with 1.2 oz. cheddar cheese
- 3 Tbsp. raisins
- 7 baby carrots with 2 tsp. nut butter
Fundraising Ideas
Child Nutrition Fundraising Ideas
Excerpt taken from the HCCD Wellness Policy ~
“Fundraising Activities. To support children’s health and school nutrition-education efforts, school fundraising activities will not involve food or beverages from midnight to one-half hour after school. Schools will encourage fundraising activities that promote physical activity. The school district will make available a list of ideas for acceptable fundraising activities.”
(The links provided herein are provided as a source of additional information as a convenience to you and we are not responsible for the content, privacy, security, products or services of these sites. The inclusion or exclusion of any site from the lists does not imply a recommendation, advertisement, or endorsement of any kind. We recommend you independently verify the content of and review the privacy, security, or other policies of the vendor/site before providing them with any personal information.)
Shopping Donation Programs
If your school has only one volunteer to organize fundraising, this is the place to start. Check out the links below and sign your school up for all of them. These programs require participants to sign up, but most can be done online. Once registered, a donation is automatically made to the school every time the participant shops. There is no added cost to the participant; the donation is paid entirely by the merchant. Parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, teachers can all support the school at no cost to themselves by registering with these programs.
Escrip: supporters register grocery loyalty (like Safeway), debit and credit cards, and participating merchants will make contributions to your chosen group, based on purchases made. Paperwork-free, the purchases are tracked and available online. Sign up at
Target: the target school Fundraising Program makes a donation to your school every time you shop with their REDcard. (
Office Depot; sign your school up for the “5% Back to Schools” program, and families who buy their back to school supplies at Office Depot can simply give the name of the school to the cashier and 5% of their purchase price will be rebated to the school. (
Non-Food Fundraising Ideas
Auction, live or silent, of donated goods and services; popular items for elementary school auctions include field trip for 3 or 4 children to the zoo, or a tide pool, or a nature hike, led by a favorite teacher; the opportunity for a child to be Principal for a Day (2 hours plus lunch with the Principal is usually enough for most kids); for adults, seats at a 12-person dinner party hosted by a school family and featuring an elaborate menu.
Balloon bouquets for special occasions (birthdays, Valentine’s Day)
Bead jewelry and accessories in school colors (
Book sale, especially used books donated by students and resold for $1 each (also CD’s, videos, DVDs)
Car wash; tickets good for a wash can be sold in advance; may be held on the playground at school.
Earthquake kits; among the most useful items are a manual can opener, matches in a waterproof container, a utility knife, and a gas shutoff wrench. This can also include light sticks, 4×4 inch gauze pads, adhesive tape, “space blanket” (to retain body heat), flashlight, and a fire extinguisher (ABC type).
Emergency kits for cars (
Flowers or plants, especially for holidays such as Mother’s Day or Valentine’s Day
Glow in the dark novelties (necklaces, earring, tumblers, etc.); these are incredibly popular at high school dances (
Graduation Day sale of flowers, balloons, stuffed animals, for families to buy on the spot to give to grads.
“No Bake” Bake Sale (from the Reach Every Child/Horace Mann web site, by Alan Haskvitz) “My favorite fundraiser is the No Bake Sale – Bake Sale. It is easy, all profit, and the parents appreciate it. First, create a list of baked goods and complete cards with the item names and prices, for example, “Carrot Cake, $5.” The parent selects this baked item NOT to make and sends $5 instead. You respond with a note thanking them for the carrot cake. Offer a variety of baked goods from “First Marriage Wedding Cakes” to “Crestfallen Angel Food Cake.” The students can name the items and research how much they would cost to make, so it is educational as well.
“Send the list home and have parents decide what not to make. You can also send the list to others in the community. Obviously, it is all pure profit and pure fun, especially the “Oops I Burned the Turnovers” which usually go for $10 and the $15 pan of “Brown Knees.” “And the best part is, think how many calories aren’t consumed!” This is a wonderful site and has links to many other fundraising ideas. (
School spirit items – tee shirts, sweatshirts, sweatpants, lanyards, pennants all printed with the school logo.
School supplies – spiral notebooks, assignment pads, pencils, pens, calculators with school name and logo or just in interesting design
Student artwork
Stuffed animals
Teacher gift shop; set up before the winter holidays and during the last weeks of school, as parents are shopping for teacher gifts. Could sell typical gifts such as candles, soap, note cards, picture frames, gift certificates from bookstores or supermarkets (especially if bought at a discount and sold at a small markup), bookmarks or book covers, bud vases, pretty mugs filled with fancy tea bags, scarves, mufflers, gloves, book lights, travel coffee mugs, disposable cameras, Macy’s scrip, etc.
Appropriate for elementary school
Calendars, especially designed by students (
Ceramic tiles, hand painted by kids and parents, for a wall or walkway in your school (
Similar idea with bricks (could also be done with stepping stones) (
Cookbook, featuring favorite recipes of school families and staff members (
This can be done without using an outside company by soliciting recipes, especially of ethnic recipes, from families; typing them up and copying the pages, then collating and binding using binding combs (available at office supply stores); students could also illustrate their family’s recipe page.
Educational games (
Greeting cards, especially designed by students (
School mascot temporary tattoos
Appropriate for middle / high school
Birthday, Valentine’s Day, or Congratulations message delivery; students deliver a message to the recipient for a fee
Refillable water bottle with school logo
SAT practice test; many test prep companies contact high school administrators trying to sell their test-preparation courses to students. Some will provide a free administration of an SAT practice test; school sponsors the test, advertises it to students, and sells tickets to take the test (around $20, or whatever the market will bear.) Students take the test and receive their scores within a few days from the company, which also offers guidance on how to interpret the scores.
Students are then free to make an arrangement with the test company to enroll in the test prep course, or simply to walk away with no obligation. Test prep companies vary in their policies, so it would be wise to talk to several to see which offers the most information to students before making them commit to enrolling in the course.
Stadium cup, pompoms, megaphone, foam spirit hand or paw, imprinted with school name
Stadium pillows
Walk-a-thons and other “thons”
Walk-a-thons have become popular fund raisers and are a good alternative to food, as they encourage more exercise. Students solicit sponsors to pledge a certain amount per lap for each lap they walk on a set course; those most likely to make a pledge include parents, grandparents, siblings, other family members, neighbors. This can be done on a track, or laps around a sports field. Laps are recorded for each participant and the sponsors are billed for their pledge.
Participants can also solicit a flat donation pledge (set amount not based on the number of laps completed.) Some schools raise additional money by selling a colorful tee shirt designed by students which promotes the event. Variations: bike-a-thon, skate-a-thon, jog-a-thon, jumprope-a-thon.
Other “thons”, all based on the idea that participating students solicit pledges for each unit they accomplish, include: Math-a-thon; students are given a math test with a set number of problems (say, 20). Pledges are collected for each problem correctly solved. Even kindergartners can compete, writing numbers in correct order from 1-20. Older students solve algebra or geometry problems.
The same idea can be adapted to a geography or science format.
Spell-a-thon; hybrid of a spelling bee and a thon; pledges collected for every word correctly spelled; optional bonus pledge collected if student wins the bee.
Read-a-thon; pledges collected for every book (or amount of pages) a student reads in a set time (say, a month).
For more “thons”. Check out this site:
Faculty Follies talent show; afternoon performance with cheap tickets for students; evening performance with higher-price tickets for parents and friends of the faculty.
Carnival; an oldie but goodie, featuring games of chance, refreshments, performance by the school music group, face painting, bouncy house, etc.
Teacher/student dance or sports competition – “Dancing with the Staff”, American Idol Contest, basketball game, baseball, softball, whatever. Tickets sold to watch the kids defeat the teachers / staff (or vice versa).
Dance for adults; a twist on the typical school dance. The students run this one for the parents and teachers. Student jazz band provides the music; students sell refreshments; students chaperone the event. Students can also sell corsages and set up a photo station for parents to have their portraits taken for an additional fee.
Magic show; hire a professional and sell tickets, or have students and faculty perform.
Adult spelling bee; just like the kid version, but this time it is the parents, teachers, coaches, and principal who are competing, while kids run the show and sell the tickets.
More lists of fund raising ideas are available at:
Be a School Wellness Champion
Epipen Notification for Parents
Queridos Padres de Familia,
El Código de Educación de California 49414 autoriza a los distritos escolares a proporcionar autoinyecciones al personal capacitado para utilizarlas para proporcionar asistencia médica de emergencia a las personas que sufren una reacción anafiláctica.
Anafilaxis es una respuesta rápida y servera causada por picaduras de insectos, comidas, medicamentos, materiales de látex, ejercicio, o en casos raros por causas desconocidas. Esta es una condición alérgica que es una amenaza para la vida, que requiere tratamiento imediato. Al administrar epinefrina a estudiantes durante una emergencia médica puede ayudar a asegurar la salud y la seguridad del estudiante en la escuela. Por lo tanto, Hickman Community Charter District ha adoptado una política para órdenes permanentes de proporcionar epinefrina para salvar vidas de estudiantes no identificados que están experimentando una reacción anafiláctica y que necesitan dicho tratamiento.
Esta política declara que una enfernera escolar con credenciales o licencia, o entrenada, personal escolar sin licencia, bajo la supervision directa o indirecta del la enfermera escolar con credenciales (o supervisor(a) de salud), puede administrar epinefrina en la forma de un auto-inyector de epinefrina durante una reacción alérgica que amenace la vida. el auto inyector de epinefrina reparte una sola dosis de epinefrina pre-medida y esteril rapidamente por inyección directa a traves de la piel.
** Si los padres de familia/guardianes no desean que su hijo(a) reciba este tratamiento, deben indicarlo por escrito dentro de dos semanas a partir de iniciar el nuevo año escolar.
Enfermera Escolar de Hickman Community Charter District